Peugeot 205 Manual
Engine/transmission mountings - inspection and renewalTU series engine in-car repair procedures / Engine/transmission mountings - inspection and renewal
1 If improved access is required, raise the
front of the car and support it securely on axle
stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”).
2 Check the mounting rubber to see if it is cracked, hardened or separated from the metal at any point; renew the mounting if any such damage or deterioration is evident.
3 Check that all the mounting’s fasteners are securely tightened; use a torque wrench to check if possible.
4 Using a large screwdriver or a crowbar, check for wear in the mounting by carefully levering against it to check for free play. Where this is not possible, enlist the aid of an assistant to move the engine/transmission back and forth, or from side to side, while you watch the mounting. While some free play is to be expected even from new components, excessive wear should be obvious. If excessive free play is found, check first that the fasteners are correctly secured, then renew any worn components as described below.
Right-hand mounting
5 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
6 Place a jack beneath the engine, with a block of wood on the jack head. Raise the jack until it is supporting the weight of the engine.
7 Slacken and remove the three nuts securing the right-hand engine mounting upper bracket to the bracket on the cylinder block. Remove the nut securing the bracket to the mounting rubber, and lift off the bracket.
8 Lift the buffer plate off the mounting rubber stud, then unscrew the mounting rubber from the body.
9 Check carefully for signs of wear or damage on all components, and renew them where necessary.
10 On reassembly, securely tighten the mounting rubber in the body.
11 Refit the buffer plate (where fitted) to the mounting rubber stud, then install the mounting bracket.
12 Tighten the mounting bracket retaining nuts to the specified torque setting.
13 Remove the jack from underneath the engine, and reconnect the battery negative lead.
Left-hand mounting
14 Remove the battery and tray as described
in Chapter 5A.
15 Place a jack beneath the transmission, with a block of wood on the jack head. Raise the jack until it is supporting the weight of the transmission.
16 Slacken and remove the mounting rubber’s centre nut, and two retaining nuts and remove the mounting from the engine compartment.
17 If necessary, undo the two retaining bolts and remove the mounting bracket from the body. Disconnect the clutch cable from the transmission (see Chapter 6) then unscrew the retaining nuts and remove the bracket from the top of the transmission.
18 Check carefully for signs of wear or damage on all components, and renew them where necessary.
19 Refit the bracket to the transmission, tightening its mounting nuts to the specified torque. Reconnect the clutch cable and adjust as described in Chapter 6. Refit the mounting bracket to the vehicle body and tighten its bolts to the specified torque.
20 Fit the mounting rubber to the bracket and tighten its retaining nuts to the specified torque. Refit the mounting centre nut, and tighten it to the specified torque.
21 Remove the jack from underneath the transmission, then refit the battery as described in Chapter 5.
Rear mounting
22 If not already done, firmly apply the
handbrake, then jack up the front of the
vehicle and support it securely on axle stands
(see “Jacking and vehicle support”).
23 Unscrew and remove the bolt securing the rear mounting link to the mounting on the rear of the cylinder block.
24 Remove the bolt securing the rear mounting link to the bracket on the underbody. Withdraw the link.
25 To remove the mounting assembly it will first be necessary to remove the right-hand driveshaft as described in Chapter 8.
26 With the driveshaft removed, undo the retaining bolts and remove the mounting from the rear of the cylinder block.
27 Check carefully for signs of wear or damage on all components, and renew them where necessary.
28 On reassembly, fit the rear mounting assembly to the rear of the cylinder block, and tighten its retaining bolts to the specified torque. Refit the driveshaft as described in Chapter 8.
29 Refit the rear mounting link, and tighten both its bolts to their specified torque settings.
30 Lower the vehicle to the ground.