Peugeot 205 Manual
Camshaft oil seal - renewalTU series engine in-car repair procedures / Camshaft oil seal - renewal
Note: If the camshaft oil seal is to be renewed with the timing belt still in place, check first that the belt is free from oil contamination.
(Renew the belt as a matter of course if signs of oil contamination are found; see Section 7).
Cover the belt to protect it from oil contamination while work is in progress.
Ensure that all traces of oil are removed from the area before the belt is refitted.
1 Remove the camshaft sprocket as described in Section 8.
2 Punch or drill two small holes opposite each other in the oil seal. Screw a self-tapping screw into each, and pull on the screws with pliers to extract the seal.
3 Clean the seal housing, and polish off any burrs or raised edges, which may have caused the seal to fail in the first place.
4 Lubricate the lips of the new seal with clean engine oil, and drive it into position until it seats on its locating shoulder. Use a suitable tubular drift, such as a socket, which bears only on the hard outer edge of the seal. Take care not to damage the seal lips during fitting.
Note that the seal lips should face inwards.
5 Refit the camshaft sprocket as described in Section 8.