
Peugeot 205 Manual

Timing belt covers - removal and refitting
TU series engine in-car repair procedures / Timing belt covers - removal and refitting

Upper cover
1 Slacken and remove the two retaining bolts (one at the front and one at the rear), and remove the upper timing cover from the cylinder head (see illustrations).

6.1a Undo the two retaining bolts (arrowed) . . .
6.1a Undo the two retaining bolts (arrowed) . . .

6.1b . . . and remove the timing belt upper cover
6.1b . . . and remove the timing belt upper cover

Centre cover
2 Remove the upper cover as described in paragraph 1, then free the wiring from its retaining clips on the centre cover.

3 Slacken and remove the three retaining bolts (one at the rear of the cover, beneath the engine mounting plate, and two directly above the crankshaft pulley), and manoeuvre the centre cover out from the engine compartment (see illustration).

6.3 . . . then undo the three bolts (locations arrowed) and remove the centre
6.3 . . . then undo the three bolts (locations arrowed) and remove the centre cover

Lower cover
4 Remove the auxiliary drivebelt as described in Chapter 1.

5 Remove the upper and centre covers as described in paragraphs 1 to 3.

6 Undo the three crankshaft pulley retaining bolts and remove the pulley, noting which way round it is fitted (see illustrations).

6.6a Undo the three bolts (arrowed) . . .
6.6a Undo the three bolts (arrowed) . . .

6.6b . . . and remove the crankshaft pulley
6.6b . . . and remove the crankshaft pulley

7 Slacken and remove the single retaining bolt, and slide the lower cover off the end of the crankshaft (see illustration).

6.7 Undo the retaining bolt and remove the timing belt lower cover
6.7 Undo the retaining bolt and remove the timing belt lower cover

Upper cover
8 Refit the cover, ensuring it is correctly located with the centre cover, and tighten its retaining bolts.

Centre cover
9 Manoeuvre the centre cover back into position, ensuring it is correctly located with the lower cover, and tighten its retaining bolts.

10 Clip the wiring loom into its retaining clips on the front of the centre cover, then refit the upper cover as described in paragraph 8.

Lower cover
11 Locate the lower cover over the timing belt sprocket, and tighten its retaining bolt.

12 Fit the pulley to the end of the crankshaft, ensuring it is fitted the correct way round, and tighten its retaining bolts to the specified torque.

13 Refit the centre and upper covers as described above, then refit and tension the auxiliary drivebelt as described in Chapter 1.

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