Peugeot 205 Manual
Camshaft oil seal - renewalXU series engine in-car repair procedures / Camshaft oil seal - renewal
1 Remove the camshaft sprocket as described in Section 5. Remove the rear cover plate behind the sprocket.
2 Punch or drill two small holes opposite each other in the oil seal. Screw a self-tapping screw into each, and pull on the screws with pliers to extract the seal.
3 Clean the seal housing, and polish off any burrs or raised edges, which may have caused the seal to fail in the first place.
4 Lubricate the lips of the new seal with clean engine oil, and drive it into position until it seats on its locating shoulder. Use a suitable tubular drift, such as a socket, which bears only on the hard outer edge of the seal. Take care not to damage the seal lips during fitting.
Note that the seal lips should face inwards.
5 Refit the sprocket rear cover plate, locate it correctly with a 10 mm dowel and tighten its fastenings.
6 Refit the camshaft sprocket as described in Section 5.