
Peugeot 205 Manual

Oil pump - removal, inspection and refitting
XV, XW and XY engines in-car repair procedures / Oil pump - removal, inspection and refitting

1 Carry out the operations described in Section 4, paragraphs 1 to 10.

2 The oil pump gears are exposed once the spacer plate is removed.

3 Side movement of the gear spindles will indicate wear in the bushes and the pump should be renewed complete.

4 Worn or chipped gear teeth must be rectified by renewal of the gear.

5 Check the endfloat of the gears using a straight-edge and feeler blades (see illustration).

5.5 Checking oil pump gear endfloat
5.5 Checking oil pump gear endfloat

6 Check the clearance between the tip of the gear lobes and the oil pump body (see illustration).

5.6 Checking oil pump gear to body clearance
5.6 Checking oil pump gear to body clearance

7 If any of these clearances exceed the specified limit, renew the pump.

8 Remove the retaining pin from the relief valve housing and withdraw the cup, spring, guide and piston. Renew any worn components (see illustration).

5.8 Oil pump pressure relief valve components
5.8 Oil pump pressure relief valve components

9 Check that the locating dowel is in position and fit the oil pump with spacer plate. If the pump driven sprocket is hard to turn, release the pump mounting bolts and turn the pump slightly on its locating dowel. Re-tighten the bolts.

10 Carry out the operations described in Section 4, paragraphs 24 to 33.

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