Peugeot 205 Manual
Driveshaft bellows check (Every 24000 miles (36000 km) or 2 years)Routine maintenance and servicing / Driveshaft bellows check (Every 24000 miles (36000 km) or 2 years)
With the vehicle raised and securely supported on stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”), turn the steering onto full lock, then slowly rotate the roadwheel.
Inspect the condition of the outer constant velocity (CV) joint rubber bellows, squeezing the bellows to open out the folds (see illustration).
24.1 Check the condition of the driveshaft bellows (arrowed)
Check for signs of cracking, splits or deterioration of the rubber, which may allow the grease to escape, and lead to water and grit entry into the joint. Also check the security and condition of the retaining clips. Repeat these checks on the inner CV joints. If any damage or deterioration is found, the bellows should be renewed as described in Chapter 8.
At the same time, check the general condition of the CV joints themselves by first holding the driveshaft and attempting to rotate the wheel. Repeat this check by holding the inner joint and attempting to rotate the driveshaft. Any appreciable movement indicates wear in the joints, wear in the driveshaft splines, or a loose driveshaft retaining nut.