Peugeot 205 Manual
Windscreen wiper motor and linkage - removal and refittingBody electrical system / Windscreen wiper motor and linkage - removal and refitting
1 Remove the wiper arms, as described in
Section 14.
2 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
3 Open the bonnet then remove the air inlet grille by removing the screws and easing the grille from the windscreen weatherstrip (see illustration).
15.3 Removing the air intake grille screws
4 Unscrew the nuts from the wiper spindle bodies (see illustration).
15.4 Wiper spindle body
5 Disconnect the wiper motor wiring connector.
6 Unscrew the mounting bolt and disengage the wiper motor from the upper location pins.
7 The motor can be separated from the linkage by removing the nut securing the crank to the spindle.
8 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but use a
screwdriver to lift the weatherstrip as the grille
is inserted.