Peugeot 205 Manual
Bulbs (interior lights) - renewalBody electrical system / Bulbs (interior lights) - renewal
1 See Section 8, paragraphs 1 and 3.
2 Some switch illumination/pilot bulbs are integral with their switches and cannot be renewed separately.
Bulb renewal
Interior light
3 Prise the light from the console (see
9.3 Prise out the interior light for access to the bulb
4 Extract the festoon type bulb from within the light unit.
Map reading light
5 Prise the light from the console and extract
the festoon type bulb (see illustration).
9.5 Removing the map reading light and extract the bulb
Instrument panel bulbs 6 Remove the instrument panel, as described in Section 5.
7 Two types of bulb are fitted. Pull out the square type bulbholder and remove the wedge type bulb (see illustration).
9.7 Removing square type instrument panel bulbholder
Twist the round type bulbholder through 90° to remove it, but on this type the bulb cannot be separated from the holder.
Glovebox light
8 On pre-1988 models, remove the switch,
with reference to Section 4, then depress and
twist the bulb to remove it.
9 On 1988 models onward, open the glovebox and prise out the light. Remove the festoon-type bulb from the terminals.
Clock illumination bulb
10 Remove the clock as described in Section
11 Twist the bulbholder from the rear of the clock, then remove the bulb from the holder (see illustration).
9.11 Removing digital clock illumination light bulb
Heater control panel illumination
bulbs (pre-1988 models)
12 Remove the facia centre air vents, with
reference to Chapter 11.
13 Pull the bulbholder from the rear of the panel and extract the bulb (see illustration).
9.13 Heater control panel illumination light bulb (arrowed) on early models
Heater control panel illumination bulbs (1988 models onward) 14 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
15 Remove the trapezium-shaped coin compartment or cover from the top of the facia by lifting the bottom edge.
16 Pull off the heater control knobs, using card or thick cloth and pliers on the central bars.
17 Remove the screws beneath the control knobs, and withdraw the upper front panel surround.
18 Pull the bulb from the control panel (see illustration).
9.18 Removing the heater control panel illumination bulb on later models