Peugeot 205 Manual
Rear quarter glass and regulator (Cabriolet models) - removal and refittingBodywork and fittings / Rear quarter glass and regulator (Cabriolet models) - removal and refitting
1 Fold down the front and rear seats, then
open the hood a little way.
2 Fully close the quarter glass.
3 Unbolt the seat belt lower anchor.
4 Note the position of the regulator handle, then remove it by easing it off from behind using pliers, or an alternative similar tool.
5 Using a wide-bladed screwdriver, release the plastic clips and withdraw the trim panel.
6 Pull off the polythene sheet.
7 Unscrew the five bolts securing the regulator mechanism.
8 Remove the casing from the hood hinge.
9 Remove the pad from the quarter glass lower channel.
10 Push in the regulator mechanism, then tilt it and withdraw it through the aperture, complete with the cable (see illustration).
20.10 Removing the rear quarterlight glass regulator mechanism on Cabriolet
Take care not to damage the seat belt reel.
11 Remove the inner quarter glass weatherstrip and clips.
12 Push the plastic rivet centre pins and remove the stretcher support.
13 Lift the glass and remove it.
14 Refitting is a reversal of removal. If a new
glass is being fitted, position the lower channel
as shown (see illustration).
20.14a Channel position on the rear quarterlight glass - Cabriolet models
x = 145.0 mm
1 Guide pads
Remove the guide pads from the old glass by drilling out the rivet heads. Fit them to the new glass using the special sleeves and screws obtainable from a Peugeot dealer (see illustration).
20.14b Screw (a) and sleeve (b) for fitting the guide pads to the rear
quarterlight glass on Cabriolet models
Apply a little locking fluid to the screw threads before inserting and tightening them. Unlike the door glass, there are no adjustment points.