Peugeot 205 Manual
Door (Hatchback and Van models) - dismantling and reassemblyBodywork and fittings / Door (Hatchback and Van models) - dismantling and reassembly
1 Remove the trim panel, as described in
Section 11.
Window regulator
2 To remove the window regulator, unscrew
the mounting nuts, slide the two lifting arms
from the channels, and withdraw the regulator
through the access aperture (see
12.2a Window regulator mounting nuts (arrowed)
12.2b The window regulator lifting arms and window glass channel
Support the glass during this operation.
Door lock
3 To remove the door lock and inner remote
handle, disconnect the link rods as necessary
and, unscrew the Torx screws retaining the
lock (see illustrations).
12.3a Door lock and mounting screws
12.3b Door inner remote handle
Exterior handle
4 To remove the exterior handle, disconnect
the link rod and unscrew the bolts. The private
lock is removed by disconnecting the link rod
and pulling out the retaining clip (see
12.4 Pull out the retaining clip to remove the private lock
Door glass
5 To remove the door glass, first remove the
window regulator then unbolt the glass side
channels, tilt the glass and withdraw it
Exterior mirror (early models) 6 To remove the early type mirror, prise off the inner cover and use an Allen key to remove the mounting screws (see illustrations).
12.6a On early models, remove the inner cover . . .
12.6b . . . and remove the exterior mirror mounting screws
Exterior mirror (later models) 7 To remove the later type mirror, carefully prise the trim cover from the interior mirror control lever (see illustration).
12.7 On later models, prise the trim cover from the control lever . . .
8 Remove the mounting screws, then feed the rubber grommet through the hole and withdraw the mirror from outside (see illustration).
12.8 . . . remove the screws and withdraw the mirror
9 Reassembly of the door is a reversal of the
dismantling procedure. However, when
refitting the door glass, adjust the position of
the side channels so that the glass moves
smoothly without excessive play.