Peugeot 205 Manual
Track rod - removal and refittingSuspension and steering / Track rod - removal and refitting
Note: A new inner balljoint lockwasher must
be used on refitting.
1 Remove the track rod end as described in Section 19.
2 Release the retaining clips and slide the rubber bellows off the end of the steering gear housing and track rod (see illustration).
20.2 Track rod components
1 Bellows
2 Lock washer
3 Track rod
4 Locknut
5 Track rod end
3 Unscrew the track rod inner balljoint from the steering rack end, preventing the steering rack from turning by holding the balljoint lockwasher with a pair of grips. Take great care not to mark the surfaces of the rack and balljoint.
4 Remove the track rod assembly, and discard the lockwasher - a new one must be used on refitting.
5 Examine the track rod inner balljoint for signs of slackness or tight spots, and check that the track rod itself is straight and free from damage. If necessary, renew the track rod.
6 Locate the new lockwasher assembly on
the end of the steering rack, and apply a few
drops of locking fluid to the track rod inner
balljoint threads.
7 Screw the balljoint into the steering rack, and tighten it to the specified torque whilst retaining the lockwasher with a pair of grips.
Again, take great care not to damage or mark the track rod balljoint or steering rack.
8 Carefully slide on the rubber bellows, and locate it on the steering gear housing. Turn the steering fully from lock-to-lock, to check that the gaiter is correctly positioned on the track rod, then secure it in position with new retaining clips.
9 Refit the track rod end as described in Section 19.