Peugeot 205 Manual
Power steering system - bleedingSuspension and steering / Power steering system - bleeding
1 This procedure will only be necessary when any part of the hydraulic system has been disconnected.
2 Referring to “Weekly checks”, remove the fluid reservoir filler cap, and top-up with the specified fluid to the maximum level mark.
3 With the engine stopped, slowly move the steering from lock-to-lock several times to purge out the trapped air, then top-up the level in the fluid reservoir. Repeat this procedure until the fluid level in the reservoir does not drop any further.
4 Start the engine, then slowly move the steering from lock-to-lock several times to purge out any remaining air in the system.
Repeat this procedure until bubbles cease to appear in the fluid reservoir.
5 If, when turning the steering, an abnormal noise is heard from the fluid lines, it indicates that there is still air in the system. Check this by turning the wheels to the straight-ahead position and switching off the engine. If the fluid level in the reservoir rises, then air is present in the system, and further bleeding is necessary.
6 Once all traces of air have been removed from the power steering hydraulic system, turn the engine off and allow the system to cool. Once cool, check that the fluid level is up to the maximum mark on the power steering fluid reservoir, topping-up if necessary.