Peugeot 205 Manual
Front lower suspension arm - removal and refittingSuspension and steering / Front lower suspension arm - removal and refitting
1 Chock the rear wheels then jack up the
front of the car and support it on axle stands
(see “Jacking and vehicle support”). Remove
the relevant front roadwheel.
2 On non-GTI models, unscrew the nut securing the anti-roll bar to the suspension arm and remove the washer (see illustration).
6.2 Anti-roll bar attachment to lower suspension arm on non-GTI models
3 Unscrew the clamp bolt securing the front suspension lower balljoint to the bottom of the hub carrier then pull the lower suspension arm down from the carrier. Recover the balljoint guard plate, where fitted.
4 Unscrew and remove the inner pivot bolt(s), noting their fitted direction (see illustrations).
6.4a Front lower suspension arm inner pivot bolt (arrowed) on non-GTI models
6.4b Front lower suspension arm components on GTI models
1 Nut
2 Washer
3 Bush
4 Suspension arm
5 Bolts
6 Bush
7 Nuts
8 Hub carrier
9 Clamp bolt
5 Lever down the anti-roll bar where necessary and withdraw the arm from the car.
6 Check the inner pivot bushes for wear and deterioration. Check the lower balljoint on the outer end of the arm for excessive wear indicated by up and down movement of the ball in the socket. Check the arm for damage or deterioration. The bushes may be renewed using a simple puller consisting of a metal tube and washers, together with a long bolt and nut. It is not possible to renew the balljoint separately.
7 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but delay
final tightening of the inner pivot bolt until the
full weight of the car is on the suspension.