Peugeot 205 Manual
Front suspension strut - removal and refittingSuspension and steering / Front suspension strut - removal and refitting
1 Before raising the car it is recommended
that a retaining tool is fitted to the coil spring
to hold the spring in a semi-compressed
state. This will provide sufficient clearance to
enable the strut to be withdrawn from the hub
carrier. Peugeot garages use two special
cables inserted through the holes at the top of
the front suspension tower and engaged with
further holes in the bottom coil spring seat. If
available use these, otherwise fit universal coil
spring compressors (see illustration).
4.1 Coil spring compressors fitted to strut spring
Do not attempt to use any makeshift tool, as considerable damage could occur if the spring breaks free. To fit either type of tool it will be necessary to turn the front wheel to full lock in alternate directions.
2 Loosen, but do not remove, the three strut top mounting nuts (see illustration).
4.2 Front suspension top mounting nuts
3 Chock the rear wheels then jack up the front of the car and support it on axle stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”). Remove the relevant front roadwheel.
4 On GTI models, unscrew the nut and disconnect the anti-roll bar link from the strut.
5 Unscrew the clamp bolt securing the lower end of the strut to the hub carrier. Spread the slot on the hub carrier using a screwdriver or suitable wedge, push the suspension arm down, and slide the carrier from the bottom of the strut.
6 Support the strut then unscrew the top mounting nuts and withdraw it from under the wheel arch. Recover the washers.
7 Refitting is a reversal of removal but ensure
that the strut fully enters the hub carrier. If there
is any doubt about this, loosen the clamp bolt
with the full weight of the car on the suspension,
and the strut will be forced fully home.
Retighten the bolt to the specified torque.