Peugeot 205 Manual
Front hub bearings - renewalSuspension and steering / Front hub bearings - renewal
Note: The bearing is a sealed, pre-adjusted and pre-lubricated, double-row ball type, and is intended to last the car’s entire service life without maintenance or attention. Never overtighten the driveshaft nut beyond the specified torque wrench setting in an attempt to “adjust” the bearing.
Note: A press will be required to dismantle and rebuild the assembly; if such a tool is not available, a large bench vice and spacers (such as large sockets) will serve as an adequate substitute. The bearing’s inner races are an interference fit on the hub; if the inner race remains on the hub when it is pressed out of the hub carrier, a knife-edged bearing puller will be required to remove it. A new bearing retaining circlip must be used on refitting.
1 Remove the hub carrier assembly as described in Section 2.
2 Support the hub carrier securely on blocks or in a vice. Using a tubular spacer which bears only on the inner end of the hub flange, press the hub flange out of the bearing. If the bearing’s outboard inner race remains on the hub, remove it using a bearing puller (see note above).
3 Extract the bearing retaining circlip from the inner end of the hub carrier assembly (see illustration).
3.3 Front hub bearing retaining circlip (arrowed)
4 Where necessary, refit the inner race back in position over the ball cage, and securely support the inner face of the hub carrier.
Using a tubular spacer which bears only on the inner race, press the complete bearing assembly out of the hub carrier.
5 Thoroughly clean the hub and hub carrier, removing all traces of dirt and grease, and polish away any burrs or raised edges which might hinder reassembly. Check both for cracks or any other signs of wear or damage, and renew them if necessary. Renew the circlip, regardless of its apparent condition.
6 On reassembly, apply a light film of oil to the bearing outer race and hub flange shaft, to aid installation of the bearing.
7 Securely support the hub carrier, and locate the bearing in the hub. Press the bearing fully into position, ensuring that it enters the hub squarely, using a tubular spacer which bears only on the bearing outer race.
8 Once the bearing is correctly seated, secure the bearing in position with the new circlip, ensuring that it is correctly located in the groove in the hub carrier.
9 Securely support the outer face of the hub flange, and locate the hub carrier bearing inner race over the end of the hub flange.
Press the bearing onto the hub, using a tubular spacer which bears only on the inner race of the hub bearing, until it seats against the hub shoulder. Check that the hub flange rotates freely, and wipe off any excess oil or grease.
10 Refit the hub carrier assembly as described in Section 2.