Peugeot 205 Manual
Front suspension hub carrier - removal and refittingSuspension and steering / Front suspension hub carrier - removal and refitting
1 Fully apply the handbrake then, where
possible, remove the front wheel centre trim.
Tap up the staking securing the hub nut to the driveshaft groove or, on later models, extract the R-clip and withdraw the locking collar (see illustration).
2.1 R-clip and locking collar fitted to hub nut on later models
Using a socket and a long extension bar, slacken the hub nut. On models without a centre trim, the hub nut must be loosened after removing the front wheel. Do not apply the footbrake when loosening the nut as damage can occur to the brake disc retaining screws.
2 Chock the rear wheels then jack up the front of the car and support it on axle stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”). Remove the front roadwheel.
3 If the hub nut has yet to be loosened, fabricate a tool from two lengths of steel strip (one long, one short) and a nut and bolt; the nut and bolt form the pivot of a forked tool.
Bolt the tool to the hub flange using two wheel bolts, and hold the tool to prevent the hub from rotating (see Chapter 8, Section 2).
Slacken the hub nut using a socket and a long extension bar.
4 Unscrew the clamp bolt securing the front suspension lower balljoint to the bottom of the hub carrier then pull the lower suspension arm down from the carrier (see illustrations).
2.4a Unscrew the lower balljoint clamp bolt . . .
2.4b . . . and pull the suspension arm down from the hub carrier
5 Recover the balljoint guard plate, where fitted.
6 Turn the front wheels to full right-hand lock (left-hand hub carrier), or full left-hand lock (right-hand hub carrier) and remove the hub nut and, where fitted, the washer. Note that a new hub nut will be required for refitting.
7 Pull the hub carrier outwards and at the same time withdraw the outer end of the driveshaft from the hub. Suitably support or tie up the driveshaft in a near horizontal position to avoid damage to the inner CV joints.
8 Unbolt the disc brake caliper from the hub carrier and either place it on a stand or tie it to one side.
9 Remove the two screws and withdraw the brake disc.
10 Unscrew the nut and use a balljoint removal tool to separate the track rod end balljoint from the hub carrier steering arm.
11 Unscrew the clamp bolt securing the lower end of the suspension strut to the hub carrier (see illustration).
2.11 Unscrew the clamp bolt securing the lower end of the suspension strut to
the hub carrier
Spread the slot on the hub carrier using a screwdriver or suitable wedge and slide the carrier from the bottom of the strut. Remove the hub carrier from the car.
12 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but refer
to Chapters 8 and 9 respectively when
refitting the driveshaft and disc brake caliper.