Peugeot 205 Manual
Anti-lock braking system (ABS) components - removal and refittingBraking system / Anti-lock braking system (ABS) components - removal and refitting
Warning: It is strongly recommended that any work involving components of the braking system on a vehicle equipped with ABS is entrusted to a Peugeot dealer, who will have the necessary specialist knowledge and equipment to carry out the work safely and effectively.
Regulator unit
1 At the time of writing, no information was
available regarding removal and refitting of
the regulator unit.
Wheel sensor
2 The wheel sensors are mounted in the rear
of the hub carriers. To remove a wheel sensor,
proceed as follows.
3 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
4 Chock the rear wheels then jack up the front of the car and support it on axle stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”). Remove the roadwheel.
5 Carefully pull the sensor wiring from its retaining clips, and working under the wing, disconnect the sensor wiring connector.
6 Unscrew the securing bolt, and withdraw the sensor from the hub carrier.
7 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but ensure
that the front face of the sensor is perfectly
clean, and ensure that the wiring is correctly
routed. Clean the sensor securing bolt
threads, then apply suitable thread-locking
fluid and tighten the bolt securely.
Electronic control unit
8 The electronic control unit is located on the
left-hand side of the luggage compartment.
To remove the control unit, proceed as follows.
9 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
10 Open the tailgate, and carefully pull the trim from the left-hand side of the luggage compartment to reveal the control unit.
11 Unscrew the securing nuts, and withdraw the cover from the control unit.
12 Disconnect the control unit wiring plug.
13 Unscrew the securing nuts, and withdraw the control unit from its mounting bracket.
14 Refitting is reversal of removal.