Peugeot 205 Manual
Handbrake - adjustmentBraking system / Handbrake - adjustment
All models except 1.9 GTI 1 The handbrake is normally kept adjusted by the action of the automatic adjusters on the rear brake shoes. However, in due course, the cables will stretch and will have to be adjusted in order to fully apply the handbrake.
2 To adjust, first place the handbrake lever onto the seventh notch.
3 Chock the front wheels then jack up the rear of the car and support it on axle stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”).
4 Working inside the car, remove the screw and lift the cover from the handbrake lever (see illustration).
15.4 Remove the screw and lift the cover from the handbrake lever
5 Slacken the locknut and turn the adjustment nut on the rear of the cable compensator so that both rear wheels are just binding on the brake shoes (see illustration).
15.5 Handbrake adjustment nut and locknut (arrowed)
6 Fully apply the handbrake lever and check that both rear wheels are locked.
7 Tighten the adjuster locknut, fit the cover over the handbrake lever and lower the car to the ground.
8 Over-adjustment will prevent the automatic adjusters operating correctly so make sure that the handbrake is fully applied after being pulled up between 7 and 9 notches, no fewer.
1.9 GTI models
9 Chock the wheels and fully release the
10 Apply the brake pedal hard several times.
11 Working inside the car, remove the screw and lift the cover from the handbrake lever.
12 Working beneath the rear of the car, measure the distance between the operating levers on the calipers and the end stops on the inner cables (see illustration).
15.12 Handbrake adjustment on 1.9 GTI models
1 Handbrake operating lever on caliper a = 5.0 mm
13 Inside the car, loosen the nut on the handbrake lever until the distance measured in the previous paragraph is 5.0 mm on both sides.
14 Check that the operating levers on both calipers move freely and return positively to their stops.
15 Now tighten the nut on the handbrake lever so that the handbrake is fully applied between 7 and 9 notches. Do not over-adjust so that the handbrake is fully applied over fewer notches, otherwise the automatic adjusters will not operate correctly.
16 Refit the cover over the handbrake lever.