Peugeot 205 Manual
Ignition system - testingIgnition system / Ignition system - testing
Warning: Voltages produced by an electronic ignition system are considerably higher than those produced by conventional ignition systems. Extreme care must be taken when working on the system with the ignition switched on. Persons with surgically-implanted cardiac pacemaker devices should keep well clear of the ignition circuits, components and test equipment.
Models with electronic
breakerless ignition systems
Note: Refer to the warning given in Section 1
of Part A of this Chapter before starting work.
Always switch off the ignition before disconnecting or connecting any component and when using a multi-meter to check resistances.
1 The components of electronic ignition
systems are normally very reliable; most faults
are far more likely to be due to loose or dirty
connections or to “tracking” of HT voltage
due to dirt, dampness or damaged insulation
than to the failure of any of the system’s
components. Always check all wiring
thoroughly before condemning an electrical
component and work methodically to
eliminate all other possibilities before deciding
that a particular component is faulty.
2 The old practice of checking for a spark by holding the live end of an HT lead a short distance away from the engine is not recommended; not only is there a high risk of a powerful electric shock, but the HT coil or amplifier unit will be damaged. Similarly, never try to “diagnose” misfires by pulling off one HT lead at a time.
Engine will not start
3 If the engine either will not turn over at all,
or only turns very slowly, check the battery
and starter motor. Connect a voltmeter across
the battery terminals (meter positive probe to
battery positive terminal), disconnect the
ignition coil HT lead from the distributor cap
and earth it, then note the voltage reading
obtained while turning over the engine on the
starter for (no more than) ten seconds. If the
reading obtained is less than approximately
9.5 volts, first check the battery, starter motor
and charging system as described in Part A of
this Chapter.
4 If the engine turns over at normal speed but will not start, check the HT circuit by connecting a timing light (following the manufacturer’s instructions) and turning the engine over on the starter motor; if the light flashes, voltage is reaching the spark plugs, so these should be checked first. If the light does not flash, check the HT leads themselves followed by the distributor cap, carbon brush and rotor arm using the information given in Chapter 1.
5 If there is a spark, check the fuel system for faults referring to the relevant part of Chapter 4 for further information.
6 If there is still no spark, check the voltage at the ignition HT coil “+” terminal; it should be the same as the battery voltage (ie, at least 11.7 volts). If the voltage at the coil is more than 1 volt less than that at the battery, check the feed back through the fusebox and ignition switch to the battery and its earth until the fault is found.
7 If the feed to the HT coil is sound, check the coil’s primary and secondary winding resistance as described later in this Chapter; renew the coil if faulty, but be careful to check carefully the condition of the LT connections themselves before doing so, to ensure that the fault is not due to dirty or poorly-fastened connectors.
8 If the HT coil is in good condition, the fault is probably within the amplifier unit or distributor stator assembly. Testing of these components should be entrusted to a Peugeot dealer.
Engine misfires
9 An irregular misfire suggests either a loose
connection or intermittent fault on the primary
circuit, or an HT fault on the coil side of the
rotor arm.
10 With the ignition switched off, check carefully through the system ensuring that all connections are clean and securely fastened.
If the equipment is available, check the LT circuit as described above.
11 Check that the HT coil, the distributor cap and the HT leads are clean and dry. Check the leads themselves and the spark plugs (by substitution, if necessary), then check the distributor cap, carbon brush and rotor arm as described in Chapter 1.
12 Regular misfiring is almost certainly due to a fault in the distributor cap, HT leads or spark plugs. Use a timing light (paragraph 4 above) to check whether HT voltage is present at all leads.
13 If HT voltage is not present on any particular lead, the fault will be in that lead or in the distributor cap. If HT is present on all leads, the fault will be in the spark plugs; check and renew them if there is any doubt about their condition.
14 If no HT is present, check the HT coil; its secondary windings may be breaking down under load.
Models with static
distributorless ignition systems
15 If a fault appears in the engine
management (fuel injection/ignition) system
first ensure that the fault is not due to a poor
electrical connection or poor maintenance; ie,
check that the air cleaner filter element is
clean, the spark plugs are in good condition
and correctly gapped, that the engine breather
hoses are clear and undamaged, referring to
Chapter 1 for further information. Also check
that the throttle cable is correctly adjusted as
described in the relevant part of Chapter 4. If
the engine is running very roughly, check the
compression pressures and the valve
clearances as described in Chapter 2B or 2C.
16 If these checks fail to reveal the cause of the problem the vehicle should be taken to a suitably equipped Peugeot dealer for testing.
A wiring block connector is incorporated in the engine management circuit into which a special electronic diagnostic tester can be plugged. The tester will locate the fault quickly and simply alleviating the need to test all the system components individually which is a time consuming operation that carries a high risk of damaging the ECU.
17 The only ignition system checks which can be carried out by the home mechanic are those described in Chapter 1, relating to the spark plugs, and the ignition coil test described in this Chapter. If necessary, the system wiring and wiring connectors can be checked as described in Chapter 12 ensuring that the ECU wiring connector(s) have first been disconnected.