Peugeot 205 Manual
Fuel vapour recirculation system components - removal and refittingExhaust and emission control systems / Fuel vapour recirculation system components - removal and refitting
Carbon canister
1 The carbon canister is located at the rear
left-hand corner of the engine compartment
(see illustration).
8.1 Fuel vapour recirculation system carbon canister (A) and solenoid valve
2 To remove the canister, first disconnect the hoses, noting their locations to ensure correct refitting.
3 Unscrew the clamp bolt, and lift the canister from its clamp on the body panel.
4 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but ensure
that the hoses are correctly reconnected, as
noted before removal.
Solenoid valve
5 The solenoid valve is mounted on a bracket
next to the carbon canister, at the rear
left-hand corner of the engine compartment.
6 To remove the valve, first disconnect the battery negative lead.
7 Unbolt the bracket from the body panel, then disconnect the wiring plug (see illustrations).
8.7a Unscrew the securing nut . . .
8.7b . . . and withdraw the solenoid bracket
8 Disconnect the hoses from the valve, noting their locations to ensure correct refitting, then withdraw the valve.
9 Refitting is a reversal of removal, ensuring
that the hoses are correctly reconnected, as
noted before removal.