Peugeot 205 Manual
Air inlet heating system components - removal and refittingExhaust and emission control systems / Air inlet heating system components - removal and refitting
Note: The components of the system vary slightly according to engine type. The following procedures depict one of the more common systems, but all are similar.
Vacuum switch
1 Remove the air cleaner housing-tocarburettor
inlet duct.
2 Bend up the tangs on the switch retaining clip, then remove the clip, along with its seal, and withdraw the switch from inside the duct.
Examine the seal for signs of damage or deterioration, and renew if necessary.
3 On refitting, ensure that the switch and duct
mating surfaces are clean and dry, and
position the switch inside the duct.
4 Fit the seal over the switch unions, and refit the retaining clip. Ensure that the switch is pressed firmly against the duct, and secure in position by bending down the retaining clip tangs. Refit the duct.
Air temperature control valve
5 Disconnect the vacuum pipe from the air
temperature control valve, then slacken the
retaining clips securing the inlet ducts to the
6 Disconnect both inlet ducts and the hot-air inlet hose from the control valve assembly, and remove it from the vehicle.
7 Refitting is the reverse of the removal
procedure, noting that the air temperature
control valve assembly can only be renewed
as a complete unit.