Peugeot 205 Manual
Fuel injection system components - removal and refittingFuel system - multi-point fuel injection engines / Fuel injection system components - removal and refitting
Note: Although some of the components may differ slightly in detail, the following procedures are applicable to all three multipoint fuel injection systems. It is advisable to check the availability of individual components with your Peugeot dealer before dismantling.
Fuel injectors
Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1
before proceeding. Ensure that the working
area is clean before removing the injectors,
and ensure that no dirt is allowed to enter the
system during the procedure. No attempt
should be made to overhaul the injectors. If a
fault or contamination is suspected, seek
specialist advice.
1 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
2 Disconnect the wiring plugs from the fuel injectors, labelling them if necessary to ensure correct refitting.
3 Disconnect the vacuum hose from the top of the fuel pressure regulator.
4 Unscrew the four bolts securing the fuel rail to the inlet manifold (two upper bolts, and two bolts at the right-hand end of the rail), then carefully lift the rail, complete with pressure regulator and fuel injectors, from the inlet manifold, taking care not to strain any of the hoses or pipes.
5 To remove a fuel injector from the fuel rail, carefully remove the metal securing clip, then pull the injector from the rail. Be prepared for fuel spillage, and take adequate precautions.
6 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but fit new injector O-rings.
Fuel pressure regulator
Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1
before proceeding. Ensure that the working
area is clean and that no dirt is allowed to
enter the system during the procedure.
7 For improved access to the lower pressure regulator securing nut, proceed as described in paragraphs 3 and 4.
8 If not already done, disconnect the vacuum hose from the top of the pressure regulator.
9 Slacken the hose clip, and disconnect the fuel return hose from the bottom of the pressure regulator. Be prepared for fuel spillage, and take adequate precautions.
10 Unscrew the two bolts securing the pressure regulator to the fuel rail bracket assembly, whilst counter holding the nuts.
Note that on some models, a hose bracket is secured by the upper bolt.
11 Pull the regulator from the end of the fuel rail, and recover the O-ring.
12 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but use a new O-ring when refitting the pressure regulator to the fuel rail, and where applicable, use new injector O-rings.
Throttle position switch 13 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
14 Release the securing clip and disconnect the wiring plug from the switch.
15 Remove the two securing screws, then withdraw the switch from the throttle body.
16 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but on completion, adjust the switch as described in Section 10.
Throttle housing
17 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
18 Release the securing clip, and disconnect the wiring plug from the throttle position switch.
19 Loosen the securing clamp, and disconnect the air trunking from the front of the throttle housing.
20 Disconnect the throttle cable, with reference to Section 3.
21 Disconnect the vacuum and/or breather hoses from the throttle housing, noting their locations to ensure correct refitting.
22 Unscrew the three throttle housing securing nuts, and recover the washers.
Remove the throttle cable bracket from the top throttle housing securing stud, noting its orientation.
23 Withdraw the throttle housing from the inlet manifold.
24 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in mind the following points.
a) Ensure that the vacuum and/or breather hoses are correctly reconnected, as noted before removal.
b) After refitting the throttle housing, check the adjustment of the throttle cable, as described in Section 3.
c) On completion, if any work has been carried out on the housing, check the adjustment of the throttle switch, as described in Section 10.
Supplementary air (cold start)
25 Remove the battery as described in
Chapter 5A.
26 Disconnect the air hoses then unbolt the airflow sensor and bracket. Disconnect the wiring.
27 Unscrew the supplementary air device bracket nuts and disconnect the wiring.
28 Tilt the assembly and coolant outlet housing (without disconnecting the coolant hoses) and remove the concealed mounting bolt.
29 Disconnect the air hoses, then remove the remaining mounting bolt and withdraw the unit.
30 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
Coolant temperature sensor 31 Refer to Chapter 3, Section 7.
Electronic control unit (ECU) 32 Refer to Part B, Section 11.
Fuel injection system fuses and
33 Refer to Part B, Section 11.