Peugeot 205 Manual
MMFD Mono-point G5 and G6 system components - removal and refittingFuel system - carburettor engines / MMFD Mono-point G5 and G6 system components - removal and refitting
Note: Check the availability of individual components with your Peugeot dealer before dismantling.
Fuel pressure regulator
1 Refer to Section 11, Paragraphs 1 to 3
noting the revised component arrangement
(see illustration).
12.1 Fuel pressure regulator (A) and fuel injector wiring plug (B)
Fuel injector
Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1
before proceeding. If a faulty injector is
suspected, before condemning the injector, it
is worth trying the effect of one of the
proprietary injector-cleaning treatments. Note
that at the time of writing, the injector does
not appear to be available separately from the
throttle body upper section assembly.
2 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
3 Remove the air inlet trunking from the top of the throttle body.
4 Release the securing clip, and disconnect the injector wiring plug (see illustration).
12.4 MMFD G6 fuel injection system throttle body assembly
1 Fuel injector wiring connector 2 Fuel pressure regulator 3 Idle speed control motor 4 Throttle switch
5 Remove the Torx screw securing the injector retainer plate to the top of the throttle body (see illustration), lift off the retainer, then withdraw the injector. Recover and discard the injector sealing rings (check to ensure that new sealing rings can be obtained before discarding the old ones).
12.5 Fuel injector retaining plate securing screw (arrowed)
6 Refitting is the reverse of the removal procedure, noting the following points.
a) Always renew both sealing rings; apply a smear of grease to each, to ease injector refitting.
b) Refit the injector so that its wiring terminals point towards the front of the vehicle, and locate the edge of the retainer securely in the groove at the top of the injector.
c) Before refitting the injector securing screw, apply a few drops of a suitable thread-locking compound to the threads.
d) On completion, switch on the ignition, and check carefully for signs of fuel leaks; if any signs of leakage are detected, the problem must be rectified before the engine is started.
Throttle switch
7 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
8 Disconnect the wiring plug, and disconnect the wiring plug from the switch.
9 Remove the two securing screws and withdraw the switch.
10 Refitting is a reversal of removal, noting the following points.
a) Before refitting the switch, ensure that the throttle valve is fully closed.
b) Ensure that the switch wiper engages correctly with the throttle shaft.
Idle speed control valve (MMFD
G5 system)
11 For improved access, remove the air
cleaner trunking.
12 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
13 Release the securing clip, and disconnect the wiring plug from the valve.
14 Loosen the securing clamps, and disconnect the air hoses from the valve. Note the locations of the hoses to ensure correct refitting.
15 Remove the securing screws, and withdraw the valve.
16 Refitting is a reversal of removal, noting that the arrows cast on the valve unions indicate the direction of airflow through the valve. Ensure that the hoses are securely refitted, to prevent air leaks.
Idle speed control motor (MMFD
G6 system)
Note: At the time of writing, it was not clear
whether the motor is available separately from
the throttle body assembly. It is advisable to
seek the advice of a Peugeot dealer before
deciding on the course of action to be
followed if the motor is thought to be faulty.
17 For improved access, remove the air inlet trunking.
18 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
19 Release the securing clip, and disconnect the wiring plug from the motor.
20 Remove the two securing screws, then withdraw the motor. Recover and discard the sealing ring (check to ensure that a new sealing ring can be obtained before discarding the old one).
21 Refitting is a reversal of removal bearing in mind the following points.
a) Always fit a new sealing ring, greasing it lightly to ease installation.
b) The control motor will be reset by the ECU as soon as the engine is restarted.
c) Apply suitable thread-locking compound to the securing screw threads before refitting.
Inlet air temperature sensor 22 The sensor is screwed into the top of the inlet manifold.
23 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
24 Release the securing clip, and disconnect the wiring plug from the sensor.
25 Unscrew the sensor and withdraw it.
26 Refitting is a reversal of removal.
Throttle body
Note: Refer to the warning note in Section 1
before proceeding.
27 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
28 Remove the air inlet trunking from the top of the throttle body.
29 Disconnect the throttle cable (see Section 3).
30 Release the securing clips, then disconnect the wiring plugs from the fuel injector (remove the rubber throttle body/trunking seals to release the wiring), throttle switch, and the idle speed control motor (MMFD G6 system only).
31 Disconnect the fuel hoses from the unions on the throttle body, labelling the hoses to ensure correct refitting. Plug the open ends of the hoses, to prevent dirt ingress and further loss of fuel.
32 Disconnect the vacuum pipes and hoses from the throttle body unions. Label the hoses so that they can be correctly reconnected.
33 Unscrew the studs securing the throttle body to the inlet manifold, and withdraw the assembly. Recover and discard the gasket.
34 If desired, the two halves of the throttle body (upper and lower) can be separated by removing the securing screws. Note that in this case, a new gasket must be used on reassembly.
35 Refitting is a reversal of removal, bearing in mind the following points.
a) Renew all disturbed gaskets and seals, and use suitable thread locking compound where necessary.
b) Check the throttle cable operation and adjustment (Section 3).
c) Ensure that all vacuum hoses and pipes are correctly reconnected as noted before removal.
d) When reconnecting the manifold absolute pressure sensor hose, ensure that it is routed so that it falls steadily from the sensor to the throttle body. This is necessary to prevent any fuel droplets from entering the sensor (no fuel vapour trap is fitted), allowing them to drain into the throttle body instead.
e) Ensure that the fuel hoses are correctly reconnected, as noted before removal.
f) On completion, switch on the ignition, and check carefully for signs of fuel leakage from all disturbed unions. If any signs of leakage are detected the problem must be rectified before the engine is started.
Manifold absolute pressure
36 Disconnect the battery negative lead.
37 Release the securing clip, and disconnect the wiring plug from the idle speed control motor (MMFD G6 systems only).
38 Slacken the clamp (if fitted), and disconnect the vacuum hose from the sensor.
39 Remove the securing screws and withdraw the sensor, complete with bracket, from the body front panel (or wing panel, as applicable).
40 Refitting is a reversal of removal, but note the following. When reconnecting the vacuum hose to the sensor ensure that the hose is routed so that it falls steadily from the sensor to the throttle body. This is necessary to prevent any fuel droplets from entering the sensor (no fuel vapour trap is fitted), allowing them to drain into the throttle body instead.
Coolant temperature sensor Refer to Chapter 3, Section 7.
Electronic control unit (ECU) Refer to Section 11, paragraphs 29 to 34.
Fuel injection system fuses and
Refer to Section 11, paragraphs 35 to 37.