
Peugeot 205 Manual

Heater assembly - removal, dismantling, reassembly and refitting
Cooling, heating and air conditioning systems / Heater assembly - removal, dismantling, reassembly and refitting

1 Remove the facia panel, as described in Chapter 11. On later models this procedure also covers removal of the vents and control panel. If further dismantling is necessary proceed as follows.

2 Disconnect the lower air vents.

3 Note the position of the wiring loom and switches then remove the clips and move the wiring clear. Lower the fuse board with reference to Chapter 12.

4 Drain the cooling system as described in Chapter 1, and disconnect the heater hoses on the bulkhead in the engine compartment.

5 Unscrew the heater assembly mounting nuts and withdraw it from the car.

6 To remove the matrix, disconnect the pipe clip and unscrew the mounting screws then slide the matrix from the casing (see illustrations).

9.6a Remove the heater matrix mounting screws and pipe clip (arrowed) . . .
9.6a Remove the heater matrix mounting screws and pipe clip (arrowed) . . .

9.6b . . . then withdraw the matrix from the heater casing
9.6b . . . then withdraw the matrix from the heater casing

If necessary the pipes can be removed by unscrewing the flange screws.

Use water from a hose to clean both the inside and outside of accumulated debris.

7 To remove the heater blower, unscrew the mounting screws and lift the unit from the casing (see illustration).

9.7 Removing the heater blower motor
9.7 Removing the heater blower motor

8 If necessary remove the heater control panel and cable.

Reassembly and refitting 9 Reassembly and refitting is a reversal of removal and dismantling, but fill the cooling system as described in Chapter 1 on completion.

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