Peugeot 205 Manual
General information and precautionsCooling, heating and air conditioning systems / General information and precautions
The cooling system is of pressurised type incorporating an expansion bottle or expansion tank according to model. The system includes a front-mounted cross-flow radiator, thermoswitch controlled electric cooling fan, coolant pump and thermostat. The car interior heater matrix is incorporated into the coolant circuit with the interior air supply and distribution being controlled by air flaps.
On XU and TU Series engines the coolant pump is driven by the engine timing belt, but on all other engines it is driven by the auxiliary (alternator) drivebelt.
The cooling system functions in the following way. After a cold start the thermostat valve is shut and coolant circulation is restricted to the engine and heater matrix. When the coolant reaches the normal engine operating temperature the thermostat starts to open and coolant circulation also flows through the radiator. The engine temperature is then controlled by the thermostat and the electric cooling fan located on the front of the radiator.
Air conditioning is available as an option on certain models and is described in Section 10.
Warning: Do not attempt to
remove the expansion tank filler
cap, or to disturb any part of the
cooling system, while it or the
engine is hot, as there is a very great risk of
scalding. If the expansion tank filler cap
must be removed before the engine and
radiator have fully cooled down (even
though this is not recommended) the
pressure in the cooling system must first
be released. Cover the cap with a thick
layer of cloth, to avoid scalding, and slowly
unscrew the filler cap until a hissing sound
can be heard. When the hissing has
stopped, showing that pressure is
released, slowly unscrew the filler cap
further until it can be removed; if more
hissing sounds are heard, wait until they
have stopped before unscrewing the cap
completely. At all times, keep well away
from the filler opening.
Warning: Do not allow antifreeze to come in contact with your skin, or with the painted surfaces of the vehicle. Rinse off spills immediately with plenty of water.
Never leave antifreeze lying around in an open container, or in a puddle in the driveway or on the garage floor. Children and pets are attracted by its sweet smell, but antifreeze is fatal if ingested.
Warning: Refer to Section 10 for precautions to be observed when working on vehicles equipped with air conditioning.