Peugeot 205 Manual
Engine/manual transmission - removal, separation, reconnection and refittingEngine removal and overhaul procedures / Engine/manual transmission - removal, separation, reconnection and refitting
Note: The engine can be removed from the car
only as a complete unit with the transmission;
the two are then separated for overhaul.
1 Park the vehicle on firm, level ground.
Chock the rear wheels, then firmly apply the handbrake. Jack up the front of the vehicle, and securely support it on axle stands (see “Jacking and vehicle support”). Remove the front roadwheels.
2 Set the bonnet in the upright position, and remove the battery and tray as described in Chapter 5A.
3 Remove the complete air cleaner assembly and all inlet ducting, as described in the relevant Part of Chapter 4.
4 If the engine is to be dismantled, working as described in Chapter 1, first drain the oil and remove the oil filter. Clean and refit the drain plug, tightening it securely.
5 On XU and TU series engines, drain the transmission oil as described in Chapter 7A.
Refit the drain and filler plugs (as applicable), and tighten them to their specified torque settings.
6 Remove the alternator as described in Chapter 5A.
7 Where applicable, remove the power steering pump as described in Chapter 10.
Where possible, unbolt the pump and move it aside without disconnecting the fluid hoses.
8 On models with air conditioning, unbolt the compressor, and position it clear of the engine.
Support the weight of the compressor by tying it to the vehicle body, to prevent any excess strain being placed on the compressor lines whilst the engine is removed. Do not disconnect the refrigerant lines from the compressor (refer to the warnings given in Chapter 3).
9 Drain the cooling system as described in Chapter 1 then remove the radiator as described in Chapter 3. Note that it is not strictly necessary to remove the radiator, but it does improve clearance, and removes the risk of damaging the radiator as the engine is removed. If the radiator is to be left in position, disconnect the top and bottom radiator hoses at both ends and remove them completely. It is also a good idea to place a sheet of cardboard (or preferably plywood) between the engine and radiator as protection against any accidental contact.
10 On carburettor models, carry out the following operations, using the information given in the relevant Part of Chapter 4: a) Disconnect the fuel feed and return hoses.
b) Disconnect the throttle and where applicable the choke cables from the carburettor.
c) Where fitted, disconnect the braking system servo vacuum hose from the inlet manifold.
d) Disconnect the exhaust system downpipe from the exhaust manifold and remove the support brackets or clamps securing it to the engine or transmission.
11 On fuel injection models, carry out the following operations, using the information given in the relevant Part of Chapter 4: a) Depressurise the fuel system, and disconnect the fuel feed and return hoses.
b) Disconnect the throttle cable.
c) Disconnect the fuel system wiring connectors.
d) Disconnect all vacuum hoses from the inlet manifold.
e) Disconnect the exhaust system downpipe from the exhaust manifold and remove the support brackets or clamps securing it to the engine or transmission.
12 Referring to Chapter 3, release the retaining clip and disconnect the heater matrix hoses from their connection on the engine compartment bulkhead.
13 Working as described in Chapter 6, disconnect the clutch cable from the transmission, and position it clear of the working area.
14 Carry out the following operations, using the information given in Chapter 7A: a) Disconnect the gearchange selector rod/link rods (as applicable) from the transmission.
b) Disconnect the speedometer cable from the speedometer drive.
c) Where applicable, release the power steering pipe from the underside of the transmission.
d) Disconnect the wiring connector(s) from the reversing light switch and speedometer drive (as applicable).
15 Remove both driveshafts as described in Chapter 8.
16 On some models it will be possible to remove the engine/transmission complete with the engine wiring harness left in position.
This saves having to disconnect each individual wire from its relevant connection and its retaining clips. Unfortunately this will not be possible on all models, but where it is, trace the wiring harness back from the engine to the wiring connector(s) in the front, lefthand corner of the engine compartment (see illustration).
3.16 Typical engine wiring harness connections (XU series fuel injected
engine shown)
Release the locking ring(s) by twisting them anti-clockwise and disconnect the connectors. Also, where applicable, trace the harness lead(s) back to the relay box, situated beside the battery. Unclip the wiring connector plate from the front of the relay box cover, then undo the retaining nut and remove the cover. Lift up the engine harness lead cover; then undo the nut(s) and release the lead(s) from the relay box. Check that all the relevant connectors have been disconnected, and that the wiring is released from any relevant clips or ties, so that it is free to be removed with the engine/transmission. Where it is not possible to separate the harness at the main connectors, make careful notes and disconnect all individual wiring connectors attached to the engine and transmission.
17 Manoeuvre the engine hoist into position, and attach it to the lifting brackets bolted to the engine. Raise the hoist until it is supporting the weight of the engine.
18 On XU and TU series engines from underneath the vehicle, slacken and remove the nuts and bolts securing the rear engine mounting link to the mounting assembly and subframe, and remove the link. On all models, undo the nuts/bolts securing the left-hand and right-hand engine mounting brackets to the engine and mountings, and remove the brackets and mountings as necessary.
19 Make a final check that any components which would prevent the removal of the engine/transmission from the car have been removed or disconnected. Ensure that components such as the gearchange selector rod are secured so that they cannot be damaged on removal.
20 Slowly and methodically lift the engine/transmission out of the car, ensuring that nothing is trapped or damaged. Enlist the help of an assistant during this procedure, as it will be necessary to tilt the assembly slightly to clear the body panels.
21 Once the engine is high enough, lift it out over the front of the body, and lower the unit to the ground (see illustration).
3.21 Removing the engine and manual transmission
22 With the engine/transmission assembly
removed, support the assembly on suitable
blocks of wood, on a workbench (or failing
that, on a clean area of the workshop floor).
XV, XW and XY series engines 23 Unscrew and remove the flywheel housing-to-engine connecting bolts and nuts.
24 There are thirteen bolts and two nuts altogether. Note that an engine lifting lug and earth strap are fitted under some of the bolts.
25 Refer to Chapter 6 and remove the clutch assembly, ignoring any procedures that have already been carried out as part of the engine/transmission removal sequence.
26 Unbolt and remove the flywheel (Chapter 2A), then slacken and remove the retaining bolts, and remove the starter motor.
27 Unscrew and remove the two bolts and the nut close to the crankshaft oil seal (see illustration).
3.27 Remove the two bolts and nut close to the crankshaft oil seal - XV, XW
and XY series engines
28 Unscrew the engine-to-transmission flange connecting bolts. Unbolt the right-hand rear engine mounting.
29 Unscrew and remove the crankshaft pulley nut. In order to hold the crankshaft against rotation, temporarily screw in two bolts into the holes in the flywheel mounting flange and place a long lever between them.
30 Remove the crankshaft pulley.
31 Remove the rocker cover.
32 Remove the timing chain cover and extract the fuel pump operating plunger (see illustration).
3.32 Removing the timing chain cover
33 Unscrew and remove the remaining connecting bolts and nuts which are located on the final drive casing side near the driveshaft oil seals.
34 Using a length of wood, prise the engine and transmission apart (see illustration).
3.34 Separating the engine from the transmission
XU and TU series engines 35 Undo the retaining bolts, and remove the flywheel lower cover plate (where fitted) from the transmission.
36 Slacken and remove the retaining bolts, and remove the starter motor from the transmission.
37 Ensure that both engine and transmission are adequately supported, then slacken and remove the remaining bolts securing the transmission housing to the engine. Note the correct fitted positions of each bolt (and the relevant brackets) as they are removed, to use as a reference on refitting.
38 Carefully withdraw the transmission from the engine, ensuring that the weight of the transmission is not allowed to hang on the input shaft while it is engaged with the clutch friction plate.
39 If they are loose, remove the locating dowels from the engine or transmission, and keep them in a safe place.
XV, XW and XY series engines
40 If removed, check that the oil pump
pick-up strainer is in position within the
transmission casing.
41 Fit the sump cover to the transmission using a new gasket.
42 Tighten the tighten the cover bolts and drain plug to the specified torque.
43 Fit the protective cover plate to the sump cover.
44 Apply jointing compound to the mating surfaces on the engine and transmission.
45 On the transmission, locate a new O-ring seal and check that the locating dowels and the studs are in position (see illustration).
3.45 Locate a new O-ring oil seal on the transmission casing
46 Offer the transmission to the engine, screw in the connecting bolts and nuts and tighten to the specified torque.
47 With the fuel pump operating rod in place, locate the timing chain cover using a new gasket. The bolt nearest the coolant pump pulley must be located in the cover before offering it up, otherwise the pulley will prevent the bolt entering its cover hole. Use the crankshaft pulley to centralise the timing chain cover and refit the remaining cover bolts. Note that the coolant hose safety rod must be fitted under its cover bolts. This rod prevents the coolant hose being cut by the rim of the coolant pump pulley should the hose sag.
48 Tighten the timing chain cover bolts to the specified torque and then trim the upper ends of the gasket flush. Fit the rocker cover using a new gasket. Do not overtighten the securing bolts.
49 Tighten the crankshaft pulley nut to the specified torque.
50 Refit the flywheel (Chapter 2A) and the clutch and transfer gear assembly (Chapter 6).
51 If they were removed, bolt the engine mountings to the flywheel housing.
52 Fit the starter motor. Tighten the bolts and
nuts in the following order:
a) Starter drive end flange to flywheel
b) Brush end bracket to engine crankcase
c) Brush end bracket to starter motor
XU and TU series engines
53 Apply a smear of high-melting-point
grease (Peugeot recommend the use of
Molykote BR2 plus - available from your
Peugeot dealer) to the splines of the
transmission input shaft. Do not apply too
much, otherwise there is a possibility of the
grease contaminating the clutch friction plate.
54 Ensure that the locating dowels are correctly positioned in the engine or transmission.
55 Carefully offer the transmission to the engine, until the locating dowels are engaged.
Ensure that the weight of the transmission is not allowed to hang on the input shaft as it is engaged with the clutch friction disc.
56 Refit the transmission housing-to-engine bolts, ensuring that all the necessary brackets are correctly positioned, and tighten them securely.
57 Refit the starter motor, and securely tighten its retaining bolts.
58 Where necessary, refit the lower flywheel cover plate to the transmission, and securely tighten its retaining bolts.
59 Reconnect the hoist and lifting tackle to
the engine lifting brackets. With the aid of an
assistant, lift the assembly over the engine
60 The assembly should be tilted as necessary to clear the surrounding components, as during removal; lower the assembly into position in the engine compartment, manipulating the hoist and lifting tackle as necessary.
61 With the engine/transmission in position, and centralised over its mountings, refit the engine/transmission mountings using a reverse of the removal operations, but only tighten the mounting nuts/bolts finger tight at this stage.
62 Where applicable, from underneath the vehicle, refit the rear mounting link and install both its bolts.
63 Rock the engine to settle it on its mountings, then go around and tighten all the mounting nuts and bolts to their specified torque settings. The hoist can then be detached from the engine and removed.
64 The remainder of the refitting procedure is a direct reversal of the removal sequence, noting the following points: a) Ensure that the wiring loom is correctly routed and retained by all the relevant retaining clips; all connectors should be correctly and securely reconnected.
b) Prior to refitting the driveshafts to the transmission, renew the driveshaft oil seals as described in Chapter 7A.
c) Ensure that all coolant hoses are correctly reconnected, and securely retained by their retaining clips.
d) Reconnect the clutch cable as described in Chapter 6.
e) Adjust the choke cable and/or throttle cable (as applicable) as described in the relevant Part of Chapter 4.
f) Refill the engine and transmission with the correct quantity and type of lubricant, as described in Chapter 1 and 7A.
g) Refill the cooling system as described in Chapter 1.